Chain Saw Sharpening Service |
Electric & Gas Chain Saws SharpenedAt the Sharpening Shack, we professionally sharpen all types of gas and electric chain saws. Our sharpening services sharpen all brands of chain saws.We not on sharpen the chain teeth but also file the depth-gauge to assure correct cutting. All for only $11 per chain saws up to 24". If you are a Contractor, Landscaper, Handyman, Tree Trimmer, or just cutting Firewood, for the season, let the Sharpening Shack help you save money by re-sharpening your chainsaw chains. Your saw chains that are dull, and will not cut anymore can be re-sharpened and conditioned 1-3 times, for less than half the cost of replacing the saw chain each time you dull one. Do you usually just replace your dull saw chains from a local dealer or hardware store? If so, your more than likely paying $20.00 or more for a new chain each time you replace your dull chains! We can usually turn your dull saw chains into clean, sharp conditioned chains ready for use the same day you drop them off, or 1 day service time. Note: We prefer you leave the chain on you chain saw if you are local or you can take your chain off and mail it to us, as we offer chain saw sharpening services by Priority Mail.
National City Sharpening Services | Cutlery Sharpened | Knife Sharpening | Garden Tool Sharpening | Hand Tool Sharpening |